Ava Security
FinancialForce Accounting
London, UK
Ava Security

AVA achieve deep financial integration with FinancialForce

About Ava Security

Ava Security empower global organisations to protect people, businesses and reputation in the digital and physical realms by delivering unified security solutions. With the use of technology, AvaSecurity help organisations protect their operations, while going beyond security to optimise for their evolving business needs, allowing people to spend time on mitigating the security risks ahead.

Their existing finance system, Xledger, was not equipped to enable their finance function to grow and also didn’t integrate with Salesforce to align their business operations.


The critical success factors of AvaSecurity were to automate their current business processes performed by their finance function, improve the bank reconciliation process, which was a significantly labour-intensive process for their finance team and improve their monthly consolidation of accounts and have real-time reporting.

Ava Security also wanted to achieve seamless integration from their Salesforce solution into their Finance solution to realise lead to ledger processes and insight across their business.

Ava Security + FinancialForce

FinancialForce has given Ava Security the lead to ledger process and insight across their business that they desired, integrating their sales process into the accounting system seamlessly. AvaSecurity have also made the gains of saving on average 45+ hours per week of processing time from their finance team members within the Finance function asa result of improved bank reconciliation process and monthly consolidation of accounts.

The work has been so transformative for Ava Security that they are now adopted Billing Central from FinancialForce as a phase 2.

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