5 Ways That Sage Intacct For Education Will Transform Your MAT Financials

Regain control and improve visibility with Sage Intacct for Education. A scalable, cloud accounting solution designed with Multi-Academy Trusts in mind.

Multi-Academy Trusts are facing increased scrutiny into their financial operations. With reporting demands from the DfE and ESFA, as well as internal business leaders, many finance teams are struggling to keep pace. As trusts continue to get larger, these demands will continue to grow, with MATs becoming increasingly reliant on larger finance teams or external consultants.

Regain control and improve visibility with Sage Intacct for Education. A scalable, cloud accounting solution designed with Multi-Academy Trusts in mind.


Do you spend countless hours organising the financials for each academy, and countless more pulling them into one set of accounts?

Save yourself the stress and unlock the power of consolidation with Sage Intacct for Education.

Specially designed for Multi-Academy Trusts, Sage Intacct for Education enables you to manage all your schools’ financials on one platform.

With the consolidation of all your schools in just a few clicks, average close times are reduced by more than 70%.  

A fully scalable system ideal for growing MATs, easily add new schools into the trust and grow up to 400% without adding finance headcount.


Avoid budget overflows and truly understand where the MAT funding is being used with powerful spend insights from Sage Intacct for Education.

Identify where efficiencies can be made by breaking down costs by academy, location, department or funds. Map your data against different categories to unleash insights and get a true picture of your expenditure.

Empowering approvers to make decisions based on real-time remaining budget, Sage Intacct for Education helps prevent overspends before they happen.  

Make information easier to process and unlock the mystique of finance by transforming your data into visuals with interactive dashboards. Give each person the view they need and support business leaders with powerful information to make finance the enabler for strategic decisions.


Have the peace of mind that your reports are fully ESFA compliant, with pre-defined reports and SOFA functionality. Built in line with the Accounts Direction, reports are standardised in Sage Intacct for Education and accessible straight away.

With a range of powerful reporting features, Business and Finance Managers can satisfy the demand of the DfE and ESFA, as well as satisfying demands from the MAT board.

Completely customised for your MAT in line with the latest guidelines, Sage Intacct for Education comes included with all DfE standard general ledger reports.


Are you still issuing monthly budgeting reports to keep on track of budgets? Remove the ambiguity around budgets and give accountability to all purchasers with Sage Intacct for Education.

Preconfigured for best practice, streamline the PO process and reducing processing time by more than 90%.

With simplified views and auto-populated fields, enable staff to perform tasks quickly and correctly. Minimise admin and ensure data is inputted only once. Sage Intacct for Education is one complete system connecting purchase orders to inventory, cash management and accounts payable.  

Update budgets with every new purchase requisition to enable teams to make informed decisions based on the real-time data. Regain budget control and improve overall financial health with Sage Intacct for Education.


Are you constantly working on static data that can be days outdated? Make the switch to the cloud and unleash real-time data, from anywhere, at any time.

Improve collaboration and get everyone working on the same platform. Ensure all teachers, budget holders, governors, MAT board members and finance professionals are armed with the information they need to make informed decisions regardless of their location.

Through true cloud, you can remove the logistical nightmare involved with desktop software updates and save the stress of your IT teams. No firewall issues. No expensive server requirements. No manual updates.

In the office or on the go, keep everyone connected to real-time data with Sage Intacct for Education.


Don’t keep your teams busy constantly compiling reports and running data. With Sage Intacct for Education, you can reduce the burden with automated tasks, pre-built reports, streamlined workflows, and visibility across the MAT. Go beyond producing reports and make finance the enabler, with powerful information to drive decision making.   

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